Learning Doesn't Have to Hurt:
The Magic of Relationship in Teaching & Learning
for parents, teachers & homeschoolers
by Mariaemma Willis
Table of Contents Includes:
- How Parents & Teachers Become Success Coaches
- Disability vs Strengths Focus
- Relieving Homework Stress
- Success Tips for Lighting, Sound, Colors
- Safety = #1 Need for True Learning
- Success in the Real World
- Celebrating Our Children & Ourselves
Buy paperback below.
For eBook version click here.
What To Do When They Don't Get It:
Simple Teaching Techniques That Work Like Magic
for parents, teachers & homeschoolers
by Mariaemma Willis
Part 1 - Positive Approaches
Definitions and Inspiring Quotes
Testing and Labeling: Help or Hindrance
What Do You Mean You Don’t Get It?
Can This Really Count for School?
Alternatives To Testing and Grading: Portfolios
The Magic Tool: Information Mapping
Words That Energize
Part 2 – Reading & Spelling
Introduction to Reading & Spelling
Mechanics of Reading & Spelling
Spelling – for weird words
Duet Reading – for word recognition & fluency
A Different Kind of Vision Problem: Scotopic Sensitivity
Part 3 – Comprehension & Written Expression
Written Expression
Part 4 – Math & Memory
Math Tricks: Borrowing, Carrying, Word Problems, and more
Memory Cues
Part 5 - What Else?
Learning Disabilities, Dyslexia, ADD, etc.
A Few More Tips
Last Thoughts
Buy paperback below.
For eBook version click here
Discover Your Child's Learning Style— paperback or Kindle version
by Mariaemma Willis & Victoria Kindle Hodson
Discover Your Child’s Learning Style shows you how to assess and nurture your child’s individual learning potential based on his or her Talents, Interests, Dispositions, Preferred Environment, and more. Inside is a step-by-step approach that guides you to a better understanding of your child’s unique strengths and weaknesses, goals and interests, and inner peace. You’ll discover how to create the right atmosphere for learning in the home. Most importantly, you’ll help your child excel not only in school but in life as well.
Self-Guided Course: How to Strengthen & Grow Your Parent-Child Relationship
(spiral bound or ebook)
by Edie Lanphar, M.A. & Mariaemma Willis, M.S.
Each week of this 5-week course will focus on one aspect of how to understand and honor your children’s strengths.
Using the acronym R.A.I.S.E you will practice 5 Declarations:
I Recognize my children’s strengths.
I Appreciate my children’s strengths.
I Involve my children in opportunities to notice and appreciate their strengths.
I Support my children in growing their strengths.
I Enjoy my children’s strengths.
Parents the world over desire close and loving relationships with their children. Through years of experience we have found that the most powerful way to strengthen and grow those relationships is by delighting in the unique individuals your children are. And the best way to do that is to honor their strengths! In this course the focus will be on noticing your children in deep and meaningful ways, through activities and practices that will enhance your capacity for fully seeing your children and knowing them in a clearer, more loving way. This practice is about noticing your own strengths as a parent / guardian as well, and discovering how the simple practice of noticing can change the quality of your connection with your children for the better.
We hope by using the practices involved in the R.A.I.S.E. acronym, you’ll be able to bring up the children in your life and elevate your relationships in loving and kind ways, so that they may become the best versions of themselves.
A wonderful byproduct of focusing on your children’s strengths will be to identify and honor your own strengths! These practices can help create a safer, more loving relationship that can also change past models of parenting that no longer serve you or your children.
Self-Guided Course: How to Parent Yourself & Grow Personally
spiral bound or ebook
by Edie Lanphar, M.A. & Mariaemma Willis, M.S.
Each week of this 5-week course will focus on one aspect of how to understand and honor your own strengths.
Using the acronym R.A.I.S.E you will practice 5 Declarations:
I Recognize my strengths.
I Appreciate my strengths.
I Involve my family in opportunities to notice and appreciate my strengths.
I Support myself in growing my strengths.
I Enjoy my strengths!
People the world over desire close and loving relationships. Through years of experience we have found that the most powerful way to strengthen and grow those relationships is by delighting in the unique individual that each person is. And the best way to do that is to honor your own strengths first!
In this course the focus will be on noticing yourself in deep and meaningful ways and noticing what comes up for you when you do. We are giving you activities and practices that will help you enhance your capacity for fully seeing yourself and knowing yourself in a clearer and more loving way. This practice of noticing is also about noticing others’ strengths, and to help you see how the simple practice of noticing can change the quality of your connections with yourself and others for the better.
We all have an inner critic that is built on the remnants of those messages that we need to address and eventually silence. We hope that this process will lead you to an authentic and genuine understanding of yourself and others. Often, we tend to acknowledge the strengths of others before our own; in this course you will practice turning that focus onto yourself first.
My Book of Me:
Elementary Students
spiral bound or ebook
by M. Willis, M.S., V.K. Hodson, T. Faciane
This guidebook for elementary students was created to help students better understand who they are and how they learn best - by identifying and understanding their Power Traits - their Dispositions, Modalities, Interests, Talents, and Environment strengths.
Student-centered learning allows all students to have a customized learning experience that leverages their strengths and interests, and accommodates their distinct learning needs.
All students thrive when their unique aspirations, gifts, and cultural backgrounds are acknowledged and honored. As a result of student-centered approaches, learners feel understood and safe. When students feel safe, they are better able to learn, to persevere through struggles, and to become lifelong learners.
The foundation of this student-centered learning model is the Self-Portrait™ Power Traits Assessment, created by Willis & Hodson, and their book, Discover Your Child's Learning Style.
They are also the founders of LearningSuccess™ Institute and Power Traits for Life™ programs.
Available in spiral bound or ebook versions.
My Book of Me:
Middle/High School Students
spiral bound or ebook
by M. Willis, M.S., V.K. Hodson, T. Faciane
This guidebook for middle and high school students was created to help students better understand who they are and how they learn best - by identifying and understanding their Power Traits - their Dispositions, Modalities, Interests, Talents, and Environment strengths.
Student-centered learning allows all students to have a customized learning experience that leverages their strengths and interests, and accommodates their distinct learning needs.
All students thrive when their unique aspirations, gifts, and cultural backgrounds are acknowledged and honored. As a result of student-centered approaches, learners feel understood and safe. When students feel safe, they are better able to learn, to persevere through struggles, and to become lifelong learners.
The foundation of this student-centered learning model is the Self-Portrait™ Power Traits Assessment, created by Willis & Hodson, and their book, Discover Your Child's Learning Style.
They are also the founders of LearningSuccess™ Institute and Power Traits for Life™ programs.
Available in spiral bound or ebook versions.