School At Home Made Easier
* Strengths-Based Focus for School & Life Success
* Adult Personal & Professional Growth & Happiness
by Mariaemma Willis
Different Learners, Different Needs
Applying strategies for individual learning and working needs
makes life easier, happier, and more fun for everyone!
Parents & Teachers:
•Find out how your child/student learns best
•Focus on strengths & finding solutions
•Facilitate family harmony, team building, and classroom engagement
•Learn to recognize & appreciate your own strengths
•Grow personally & professionally
•Strengthen relationships & increase happiness!
Learning Strengths Consultation with Mariaemma
For students of all ages, including adults
Includes Self-Portrait™ Strengths Assessment
Light Heart Parenting
Growing GiveNTake Kids
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School At Home Coaching/Tutoring
Monthly, Bi-monthly or Weekly sessions
to stay on track or solve issues
or sign up to follow
Power of You NOW!
Adult Coaching/Mentoring
Monthly, Bi-monthly or Weekly sessions to work on goals or solve issues
Books: What To Do When They Don't Get It,
Learning Doesn't Have to Hurt
for parents, teachers, homeschoolers
by Mariaemma Willis
Self-Portrait™ Learning Strengths Assessment
Take it online and get immediate results
with guides and recommendations. Use code
MWLSP for $5.00 off each assessment
Book: Light Heart Parenting Course
How to Strengthen & Grow Your Parent-Child Relationship - without losing your mind! This is a course on the importance & benefits of truly recognizing, appreciating, and supporting your children's strengths - by Edie Lanphar, M.A. & Mariaemma Willis, M.S.
Book: Discover Your Child's Learning Style
Children Learn in Unique Ways— Here's the
Key to Every Child's Learning Success
By Mariaemma Willis & Victoria Kindle Hodson
Book: How to Parent Yourself Course
This is a course on the importance & benefits of truly recognizing, appreciating, and supporting your OWN strengths, for personal & professional growth and happiness! - by Edie Lanphar, M.A. & Mariaemma Willis, M.S.
My Book of Me: Elementary or Middle/High School
Students explore their own learning strengths & how to apply them.
Spelling for the Thoroughly Befuddled, Easy Writing without Outlines, Light Heart Parenting, and more!
Writing & Spelling for the Thoroughly Befuddled - for all ages
by Mariaemma Willis & Victoria Kindle Hodson
Memorizing Multiplication Facts with rhyming, songs, and graphics
by Mariaemma Willis & Victoria Kindle Hodson
My Philosophy
I focus on the unique needs of each child and adult. I present a positive approach that is based on working with each person’s natural gifts and abilities, rather than applying labels such as A.D.D., Dyslexic, Hyperactive, or Learning Disabled. I show adults and children how to discover and use their strengths and passions to reach academic, career, and life goals.